Over 750 factory representatives attend program updates training in just two months

In the last two months, ICTI Ethical Toy Program (IETP) has organized 10 training sessions in China and overseas with its partners, to introduce the upcoming program changes of the new audit checklist and new grading system for factories seeking certification. Over 750 representatives from 421 toy factories from China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia and Korea have joined the informative sessions led by IETP’s in-house specialists who provided case studies and detailed explanations across the following topics: · The updated, risk rated IETP Audit Checklist· The new levels of factory certification· New IETP policies we are introducing· Introduction of Progress Visits (to replace existing Progress Audits)The vast majority of factory representatives who attended found the changes we are making to be positive and left feeling satisfied with the quality of the training they had attended. The new audit checklist will be implemented from 1st Nov 2018, check the upcoming training schedule to find a session coming up in your area.For any brands or retailers who would like to arrange a call to discuss the upcoming program changes please click here to contact us.