IETP 会员的专属优惠:金融時報主办的Future of Manufacturing Series 2021

IETP 很荣幸能够成为金融時報主办的 Future of Manufacturing Series 2021 之合作伙伴。日期:10月12-14日形式:在线会议 按此购买会议通行证,IETP 会员可享8折优惠!会议将以英语进行,详情如下:As the emphasis shifts from crisis management to a post-covid future, what does recovery entail for the manufacturing sector? How can manufacturers strike a balance between immediate economic imperatives and longer-term visions of more automated, sustainable operations? With the sector so crucial to GDP growth, how will policymakers and government continue to support the recovery?The FT’s Future of Manufacturing Series returns in 2021 to consider what has been learned from the crisis, and explore how manufacturers can build resilience to withstand future disruption. Through the lens of three key topic areas, each half-day briefing will provide a detailed analysis of the defining issues facing manufacturers globally, combining strategic and technical expertise to propose transformative solutions. Why Attend?Understand: The big picture, not just the individual strands of the business you work inConnect: And build relationships with some of the biggest names in your industry Discover: New approaches and strategies to help win market share