IETP 会员的专属优惠:金融時報主办的Investing For Good Asia会议

IETP很荣幸能够成为金融時報主办的 Investing For Good Asia之合作伙伴。


时间:08:25-18:00 (新加坡时区)


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IETP x Financial Time Live: Investing for Good Asia

Building a Sustainable Post-Pandemic World

The COVID-19 crisis, which has hit vulnerable sections of society the hardest, has amplified the importance of sustainable and impact investing in any post-pandemic future. With the disastrous effects of climate change and a deteriorating environment already being felt around the world, channeling private capital to positive social and environmental initiatives has become even more vital. In Asia, the pandemic may have changed attitudes positively towards recognizing and harnessing the power of impact and sustainable investing. Will this enhanced attention provide more investment opportunities with a positive environmental, social and governance (ESG) impact? What needs to occur for impact and sustainable investing to become mainstream in Asia?

Why Attend?

  • Understand: The implications and importance of impact investing, and the way ahead for Asia
  • Connect: With policy-makers, thought leaders, climate experts and impact investors to exchange ideas on sustainability, green policies and technology for good
  • Discover: What needs to be done for impact and sustainable investing to become mainstream in Asia

Excellent topics include: