IETP 欢迎新的管治委员会成员

IETP 很高兴能够在此公布管治委员会两位新成员的加入Mr. Ivan Ting, Executive Director, Kader Industrial Company Ltd. Ivan is the third generation of the family involved in the business, Kader, which produces toys and other plastic goods. He is passionate about the manufacturing processes. He is the current Chairman of the Hong Kong Toys Council. He was also the Chair of the Global Board of the Entrepreneurs’ Organization, where he promoted diversity and governance. (read more)Ms. Pamela Gill-Alabaster, Head of Global Sustainability, Mattel Inc. Recognized by TriplePundt and Forbes as among the Top Women in Sustainability/CSR, Pam has over 25 years of experience leading global communications, reputation management, corporate sustainability and ES&G practice and performance. She is currently Head of Global Sustainability for Mattel, a leading global toy company and owner of one of the strongest catalogs of children’s and family entertainment franchises in the world, including Barbie, Fisher Price, Hot Wheels, Matchbox, and Uno, among others. (read more)管治委员会成员资料只提供英语版管治委员会主席 Edena Low女士表示:“IETP 其中一个最大的优势是其管治委员会的多样性,每位优秀的成员均具有不同背景和经验,分别来自全球品牌、零售商、工厂、行业协会和民间团体。管治委员会成员所分享的独特见解,与 IETP 领导团队的投入和承担相辅相成。我很高兴在此欢迎Ivan和Pam加入管治委员会。”IETP 总裁兼首席执行官Carmel Giblin女士則说:“整个IETP 团队均对于Ivan和Pam的加入非常兴奋。Ivan对整个玩具行业深厚的了解和Pam在推进企业可持续发展方面的成就将会为我们提供宝贵的建议,以确保IETP继续成为玩具企业履行社会责任时的首选方案。” 按此了解更多关于管治委员会成员的信息。