IETP 会员的专属优惠:金融時報主办的Moral Money Summit 2021

IETP很荣幸能够成为金融時報主办的 Moral Money Summit 2021之合作伙伴。日期:4月27日时间:09:20 - 17:40 (英国夏令时间)形式:在线会议 按此购买峰会通行证,IETP 会员可享8折优惠!峰会将以英语进行,详情如下:Business Collective Action: Moving from Narrative to ActionThe integration between E, S and G has never been more important post-Covid. As leaders try to balance budgets and purpose, can they prove it is good business to be a good business?Following on the success of the inaugural global summit, Moral Money Summit: Europe Edition will advance the debate around relationships, money and how business can be done more responsibly.Will 2021 be the year that firms step up to tackle climate change and inequality? As companies look to rebuild and regenerate, incorporating sustainability into their strategy and operations is essential. The agenda will explore the concept of whole system transformation, including employee care, diversity and inclusion policies, environmentally friendly production and consumption practices, and inclusive capitalism.Why Attend?Navigating the world of business in an uncertain and highly volatile world is tough. Surround yourself with the information, inspiration and people who are sharing their strategies for a world transformed by the crisis.Understand: How policy, business and financiers can and will collaborate to work towards a shared visionConnect: And build relationships with some of the biggest names in your industry during the interactive discussion sessionsDiscover: New approaches and strategies to help make your business more sustainable during and post-crisisRegister here